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Nitro Strength their lipids better than even statin drugs or as good the triglycerides the higher they weere were the pretty exciting because dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is a former Olympic athlete in a rowing event and there's a great interview with he and I on our YouTube channel that I can share with you but I want to tell you that we have conclusive proof now several case studies that we can reverse coronary artery disease dr. joel Fuhrman wrote the book the end of heart disease a very important book to read as well dr. Dean Ornish wrote the book reversing heart disease and again documenting these studies that have been shown in the medical literature that we can conclusively reverse cardiovascular disease as we know it it's it's very very important that every one of you pays attention because if you decide that you want to use a traditional method we're going to talk about some of the traditional methods such as using statin drugs blood pressure medications using intervention of heart surgery but the results have been rather dismal in fact the rate of heart disease has reduced hardly at all with the exception of those people following a plant-based oil-free diet and there's four steps that you need to learn and we're going to talk about these four steps as we progress so please stay tuned a special offer at the end of this show can biological medicine help us to live longer by optimizing your testosterone your hormone levels reducing some of the harmful estrogen hormones Bob Delmonteque is a good example who's passed on since but 




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