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Top 12 React Native App Templates of 2020

John Smith
Top 12 React Native App Templates of 2020

In the past few years, demands for a mobile application is continuously increasing around the world. With some traditional ways of creating the mobile applications by using the React Native UI Toolkits which is available for all major platforms whether it is Android or iOS. Recently, we have seen that there is the rise of Hybrid Mobile Applications, as the process of development of creating a mobile application for each platform is very much expensive and also very time-consuming.

React Native app templates is a framework for creating the mobile applications with leveraging Reacts and JavaScript, it also allows the developers to write code across the different mobile operating systems. So, you no longer have to create the same application for Android and iOS from the specialize or scratch in one or another operating system.All the HTML5 Templates You Could Ask For.

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According to the MIT License by Facebook, easily uses the native UI components for both the platforms. React Native always uses RCTBridgeModule to make a connection between the JavaScript code and native code. It is not a cross method to develop an application because it doesn’ t use any Web View which might be depending on the use case.

Here List of Top 12 React Native App Templates of 2020

#1 MStore Pro – Complete React Native template for E-commerce

#2 Grab Cab React Native Full Taxi App

#3 Oreo Fashion

#4 Felix Travel

#5 Listar

#6 Neoflix

#7 BuzzApp – Viral Magazine WordPress app by React Native (CeNews)

#8 Food Delivery – React Native Template

#9 Zapes – React Native mobile application for WordPress

#10 CarSpot – Dealership Classified React Native App

#11 Healer React Native App Template

#12 React App Builder

React App builder is DIY – Do it yourself mobile app builder where you can make an unlimited number of ios and android apps.

John Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. He writes about the latest updates regarding  and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.

Source:- https://harispot.com/react-native-app-templates/

John Smith
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