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ZCash to USD Converter for instant conversion

Aizawa Shota
ZCash to USD Converter for instant conversion

If you want to convert your ZCash cryptocurrency to US Dollars, and want the conversion process to be instant. You can easily use ZCash to USD Converter tool instantly from our exchange. Our exchange has millions of active users, and our services are availed on weekly and monthly bases. We assure you that you won't be disappointed by our services. Though there are certain requisites that you must fulfill in order to begin your conversion process. Some steps are listed below, and you can follow them. These steps will ease your conversion process on our exchange and remove any kind of complication you have about the conversion process

  1. To begin your conversion process, the main and only requisite is to get yourself registered on our exchange. The process of registration iteself is simple and short keeping complications out of the way.
  2. When you have successfully completed registration, you will be granted an exchange wallet. This wallet will be used to conduct conversion process. The conversion process requires coins to be in the allotted wallet. This wallet itself is for temporary use and should only be used as long as your carrying out the conversion or availing any other service. Do not take this wallet into account for permanent storage
  3. After you understand how the exchange wallet should be used, transfer your coins on to it and then head over to the conversion menu to begin the conversion process.
  4. Inside the conversion menu, there are two drop down menu's that are labelled with "You will send" and "You will receive". Select ZCash from the drop down menu with the label "You will send" and select a receival method for receiving US Dollars from the drop down menu with the label "You will receive". As you want your conversion to be instant, we advise you to select "Debit/Credit Card" option for receiving your US Dollar currency, as it faster to transact onto the cards.
  5. Provide total amount of coins that you want to convert.
  6. After providing the main requisites, submit your ZEC coins on the given payment ID, which can be viewed by scanning the mentioned QR (Quick Response) Code.
  7. When the payment is successfully submitted, you will receive a digital receipt. Make sure to take a screenshot of that receipt and upload it to verify and confirm your payment transaction
  8. Fill out the information required in the text fields and finalize your conversion process by clicking on "Confirm Conversion"

You will receive your US Dollar currency shortly after you have finalized the conversion process. For the verification and confirmation of your successful exchange, our exchange administration will make contact with you. Before undergoing conversion anywhere, make sure to check out the exchange prices, live charts and price difference between your desired digital asset and fiat currency. This will help you take smart approach towards your digital assets and will also aid you in avoiding any kind of unwanted loss. Be patient and wait for the right time, as it can become profitable for you in the longer term.

Aizawa Shota
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