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Busting Myths About Wood Burning Fireplaces

thomas johnas
Busting Myths About Wood Burning Fireplaces

Wood burning fireplaces have been around for many years now and many homeowners prefer the warmth and comfort that these fireplaces offer. A wood-burning fireplace uses firewood for lighting the fire and whether you are installing it indoors or outdoors or indoors, it makes the winter months so much more enjoyable. There’s nothing like sitting around the warmth of a fireplace when the weather has turned really cold outside. There are many places that offer fireplaces for sale in Washington Park and you will also find some really good catches for your home. However, with all the benefits of a wood-burning fireplace, a lot of myths are also floating around, which sometimes make people a bit skeptical when it comes to selecting this type of fireplace. In this article, we will bust some common myths associated with a wood-burning fireplace.


Myth 1: Chimneys That Aren’t Used Often Do Not Need Cleaning

Even if the chimney is not used, it should be cleaned from time to time. This is because when you burn a fire, there’s soot and creosote buildup inside the chimney and if not cleaned regularly it can lead to fire hazards. Creosote is a flammable substance and a little creosote deposit is okay and expected, however huge deposits of creosote can lead to a chimney fire. Also, it is not just the creosote buildup, cleaning is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of the chimney, which can deteriorate if there are cracks and moisture or debris collected inside the chimney for long periods. Regular inspection once a year is essential to prevent any expensive repair even if the chimney is not used. 


Myth 2: Diy Chimney Cleaning Saves Money

Cleaning a chimney is not a DIY job even if you are great at DIY projects. Cleaning a chimney by yourself comes with many challenges and risks. Firstly, creosote cleanup is a tough job especially if it has been deposited for some time now. Without the right knowledge or equipment, it can be pretty challenging. You might also miss the spots of damage, which a professional will never miss. This may eventually lead to a costly repair. Hiring a professional chimney expert to do the job is much more effective in cleaning the chimney and maintaining your safety. 


Myth 3: Burning Wood Has Harmful Effects On Environment

This is one of the most popular myths. A lot of people are of the opinion that burning wood leaves a big amount of carbon footprint, however, burning logs in a fire emits the same amount of carbon dioxide that a naturally decaying tree produces.This myth is also based on the fact that wood smoke is harmful to the environment and it is. But the smoke is only produced when there is moisture in the wood. The firewood that is used in a fireplace should always be dry. Dry wood produces very little smoke and people who use a fireplace regularly will know that wood to be used in a fire needs to be completely dry before they are used. Also, there are many modern burning systems that take care of the smoke problem taking into consideration the environment. So, a wood-burning fireplace is really not bad for the environment.


Myth 4: You Can Burn Anything In A Fireplace

This is a big no when it comes to igniting a fire in a wood-burning fireplace. When lighting a fire, you should only use seasoned firewood with less than 20% of moisture content for the fire. Treated wood should bever be used in the fireplace as they release harmful smoke into the atmosphere. Also for kindling do not simply throw any rubbish, you can use small twigs and newspaper but definitely not plastic, cardboard boxes, charcoal products, or glossy magazine pages. Rubbish should never be thrown into the fire rather make a habit of recycling your trash. Also, avoid using accelerants in a fireplace, and ignite the fire naturally.

thomas johnas
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