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How Do You Choose the Right Complementary Therapy?

How Do You Choose the Right Complementary Therapy?

Choosing the right complementary therapy is always a challenge as there is no right or wrong way of doing it. The guideline is to look at the nature of illness to be treated and what effective complementary therapy is available with success rate details including side effects. Normally we go with suggestions from the near and dear ones or from practitioners or Internet or TV advertisements.


Nutritional Therapy requires a specialist practitioner who is well trained in biochemistry, physiology and pathology as well as natural medicines. This enables the practitioner to use their extensive knowledge in diagnostic procedures that will determine an individual's nutritional needs; what deficiencies may have occurred, and why. They will develop customized diets and supplements which will often cure illnesses such as eczema, hyperactivity, chronic fatigue and migraine, to name but a few.


So how do you know which choice to make when it comes to choosing complementary medicine therapy? Should you take your eczema to a herbalist, acupuncturist or a nutritional therapist? Many professional associations ask their therapists to offer a preliminary consultation free of charge. A Nutritional Therapist will use this time to identify the possible presence of food allergy, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, and/or toxic overload. When they have diagnosed what is present, an individual program will be developed. A Nutritional Therapist will want to work on many other factors too. Such as genetics, emotional or geographical stress and electromagnetic fields. If the body is found to have a disease that is incurable, the hydration infusions Palm Springs will work on making the body more able to function at a maximum, and therefore fight the illness more efficiently.


Here are some tips or guidelines, hydration infusions Palm Springs


If you have painful joints, stiffness or sports injuries consider acupuncture or massage therapy.

If you are tired all the time or have menstrual or menopausal problems or memory or concentration problems, consider nutritional therapy.

If you feel sluggish, bowel or urinary or skin problems then consider naturopathy or herbal medicine.

If you have respiratory problems like asthma or hay fever, migraines or headaches or childhood ailments consider homeopathy or herbal remedies or traditional Chinese medicines.

If you are stressed out, irritable, anxious and not sleeping well, consider relaxation, healing,aromatherapy and breathing therapies.

If you have digestive problems, blood sugar imbalance, type two diabetes, gall bladder problems consider Japanese or Tibetan or Nutritional therapies.

Before you go for any complementary therapy check out the price and whether your health insurance covers it or not. As few therapies might cost a lot if your insurance is not going to cover it.

And the following probing questions might help you,


What is the success rate of your treatment?

How many treatments are needed before seeing the results?

What are reasonable improvements which I can expect?

What is the total cost of the treatment?

What are supplemental costs associated with the treatment like drugs, herbs or other goods?

How much experience do you have with my medical condition?

Is there any discount for block booking for treatment?

Even though you can get complementary therapy to help you, staying healthy is dependent on you also. Here are few tips for that,

Get regular exercise 20 minutes every day at least for five or six days a week, walking is more effective than jogging

Have a positive frame of mind every day

Eight hours of sleep is necessary every day

Avoid junk food and stay with healthy foods like green vegetables (not frozen), fruits, cereals, nuts.


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