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How To Stop Snoring? (II.)

How To Stop Snoring? (II.)

 Simple Method to Treat Snoring-Breath Right Nasal Strips

Braeth right nasal strips are made of PE, Non-woven cloth and film, which could offer you a better sleep by reducing snore and expanding the nasal passages to improve breathe forathletes.

Braeth right nasal strips Indications:

1. Reduce snoring

2. Improve breathing during exercise

3. Provide drug-free relief from nasal congestion

Braeth right nasal strips

Other Simple Methods

Side sleeping: For some people, this simple method is effective enough because it prevents the tongue from reaching back into the throat and causing airway obstruction.

Raise your head a little: This will prevent your airway from being squeezed. You can try placing a 4-inch thick wedge or blockage under the mattress and elevating it.

Try using an oral appliance: Some dentists can help you build a device that changes the opening of your airway, leaving enough room for your tongue so it doesn't block your airway.

Use a steam bowl: Before going to bed, pour a bowl of hot water, cover with a towel, place your head right above the hot water, and breathe deeply to inhale the steam. This will help clear your airway and reduce the swelling of your nasal passages.

Don't overeat at night: A stomach stuffed with food can squeeze your diaphragm, further hindering your ability to breathe smoothly.

Manage your weight: Overweight people often have excess tissue in the throat area, which can also lead to snoring.

Perform tongue and throat exercises: This can make these body structures stronger, and the following are very simple exercises.

-Gently bring the upper and lower molars together.

-Open your mouth and spread the molars as far apart as possible without stretching your mouth too much.

-Repeat 10 - 20 times. After 5 to 10 repetitions, you should feel the muscles in your jaw getting stronger and the back of your mouth has opened up considerably.

Try using nasal strips or external nasal dilators: You can apply these tapes to the bridge of your nose to widen your nasal passages and improve your breathing.

Also, dilators can be used on the outside of your nostrils to reduce resistance to airflow and make it easier for you to breathe (note that these tools are not effective for people with sleep apnea).

Do not drink alcohol or smoke: Both will relax your tongue and throat muscles and make snoring worse. Also, smoking ** swells the lining of the throat and nasal cavity, causing it to swell and reduce airflow through it.

Don't drink milk before bedtime: This makes snoring worse because it forms a layer of mucus on your throat and tongue. If you feel thirsty, just drink water.

Relieve nasal congestion caused by infection or allergies: Nasal congestion reduces the amount of air passing through your nose, forcing you to breathe through your mouth and encouraging you to snore.

Do not take tranquilizers: Like alcohol, these drugs can depress your central nervous system and cause your muscles to relax excessively, including the tissues in your throat.

Essential oils can help reduce your snorin: Quality essential oils have a variety of medical uses, and a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that essential oils may help reduce snoring.

After using a blend of essential oils made with thyme, lavender, eucalyptus and sage, 82% of survey respondents (partners of snorers) reported that their partner's snoring was significantly better. Some of the best essential oils to help relieve snoring include.

You can add these oils to a vaporizer or inhale them directly through steam inhalation. You can also rub the oils on your chest or near your nasal passages, but be sure to dilute them first in a safe carrier oil. Also don't forget to perform a skin patch test to make sure you are not allergic to this essential oil.

Any interests and more detials, welcome your visit: www.kangdimedical.com

Henan Kangdi Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

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