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Common Cleaning Hacks for Busy Homeowners

Alison Pearson
Common Cleaning Hacks for Busy Homeowners

How do you keep on top of your household cleaning when you're a busy homeowner? The secret is to make it as easy as possible, and it means having a few simple tricks up your sleeve.

Here are five easy tips to help you keep your house clean:

The Basics

Rags, sponges, and towels are all great for wiping down surfaces. They’re cheap, too - but you will have to throw them away after a while because they get dirty and bacteria-infested. When that happens, it’s time to grab some new ones.

Cleaning schedule

The first thing you need to do is create a cleaning schedule. It will help you keep track of the chores you have to do and when it's best to do them. There are plenty of apps out there that can help you with this, so if technology is your friend, take advantage of it! If not, a simple list will suffice.

Once you’ve got your schedule in place, break down each task into small chunks. For example, instead of writing ‘clean the bathroom’, write down each chore individually: clean the sink, clean the tub/shower, mop the floor. This way, you can tackle each task separately rather than feeling overwhelmed by one giant task.

Keep a small vacuum cleaner in the kitchen

The first thing to get is a vacuum cleaner. The days when vacuums were expensive and clunky are gone - now they are small, light and relatively cheap - so you can find one that fits your budget easily.

The kitchen is where all the crumbs and dirt tends to accumulate. It’s also where you will do a majority of your house cleaning - so why not keep a small vacuum cleaner nearby? That way, you can just quickly clean the area when you’re done cooking or eating and save yourself time later on (and it’s great for people with pets).

Use baby wipes as multi-purpose cleaners

Baby wipes are often overlooked as regular cleaning material, but they can be great for removing dust and hair off of chairs and surfaces without damaging them. They also work well for cleaning children’s toys, as they are safe and gentle to use.

Don’t Let Your Things Overrun Your Home

Well-meaning gifts from family and friends, as well as purchases that seemed like a good idea at the time, can quickly turn into clutter that becomes overwhelming and hard to manage. On top of this, useful things can start to take up more space than they really should if not properly organized.

To prevent this from happening in your home, take some time each day to put things away where they belong rather than leaving them lying around any available surface or floor space. That will prevent clutter from building up and make things easier to find when they are needed.

However, if your schedule does not allow you to dedicate yourself to thorough house cleaning, it is best to hire a professional house cleaner. The help of professionals will help you, and you will be able to dedicate yourself to the things that are more important to you.

Put some vinegar in your dishwasher to make it smell better

Vinegar is an excellent product for removing strange odours from all kinds of appliances and surfaces - including dishwashers. Just put about a cup or two into the bottom of your machine before turning it on, and it will get rid of bacteria, dirt, mould and odour.

Set the dishwasher to run overnight

 If you don’t have a dishwasher (lucky you), at least make sure that, after dinner, all dishes are washed and put away for the day. It only takes a couple of minutes to ensure that you don’t wake up with dirty dishes in the sink and no clean plates, bowls or glasses in which to serve breakfast.

Cleaning Sprays

Next on the list is cleaning spray. These products make it easier for you to clean your house - simply spray them on the surface or object you wish to clean, leave them for 5-10 minutes, and then wipe it with a cloth or sponge. Voila! The grime is gone!

Glass Cleaners

These handy products not only remove the dirt from your glass surfaces - but also get rid of those annoying streaks that can appear if you don't know how to clean windows properly. They usually contain alcohol, which removes grease and other nasty substances from your glass surfaces.

Dishwashing Liquid

That is one of the most common cleaning hacks out there because it does a lot of jobs in a very short amount of time. You can use it to clean kitchen appliances like microwaves and refrigerators, as well as bathroom items like toilets (though you should make sure that your toilet doesn't have any other specific needs before you use it). It makes scrubbing easier and more thorough since it removes grease and grime with ease - just dilute it in warm water first!

Alison Pearson
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