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Guide To Physical Therapy Of Rectus Abdominal Diastasis

Dr. leena
Guide To Physical Therapy Of Rectus Abdominal Diastasis

Rectus Abdominal Diastasis is also known as Diastasis recti and is considered a common condition. It develops when the two portions of the outermost abdominal muscle separate. 

This issue is very common to women and it can happen during the period of pregnancy. You have to deal with this issue very sensitively as it can lead to some major problems during this period. 

We are going to discuss physical therapy for Diastasis recti rehab. Four major exercises will help you to have a perfect rehab :

1. Abdominal Drawing In 

The first thing to do is to hold your abdominal muscle contraction. You should be trying to breathe normally for 10 seconds. 

You don't have to compromise your abdominal muscles by any means. It is a very safe exercise to get introduced to Diastasis recti rehab. It is a very common exercise that you can do while pulling out of your bed. All you have to do is pull in your stomach. 

When you do this exercise regularly, it is bound to bring the best results to your body. 

2. Belly Breathing 

Another very common exercise to deal with rectus abdominal diastasis is belly breathing. How to do so? Simple, lie down on your mat. 

Once you have laid down in a comfortable position, you need to take a deep inhale. You should allow your belly and chest to inflate fully. The next thing to do is slowly and forcefully exhale. You have to draw in your abdominal wall to perform this exercise nicely. 

3. Heel Slides With Alternating Arms 

In this exercise, you need to lie flat on your back. You need to use a mat to do so. You are required to bend your knees and feet flat on your floor. 

The next thing to do is strengthen your arms. You need to make sure that you raise them directly over your shoulders. Slowly extend your leg in front of you and exhale at the same point in time. 

While you do so, you need to extend your opposite arm back above the head. This is an essential part of Diastasis recti rehab and you have to slowly return to start after inhaling. You have to keep your hips and core stable throughout the movement. 

4. Quadruped Abdominal 

In this exercise, you have to get your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. The next thing to be done is to pull your shoulders wide and away from your ears to form a flat back. 

Once you have done so, inhale deeply and try to relax. Allow your abdominal wall to be extended to the floor and relax nicely. The last thing to do is to exhale and draw the muscles up. You have to do all of this while maintaining a flat back. 

The diastasis recti rehab cannot be achieved within a couple of days. You have to do all of these exercises consistently for weeks. Afterwards, you need to analyse your body and get back to the same routine all over again!

Dr. leena
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