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How is Kasta Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency?

Shafaquat Ali
How is Kasta Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency has become a burgeoning business over the decade. Many were unaware of cryptocurrency when it first appeared in 2009 with the introduction of Bitcoin (BTC). However, it has come a long way and is now labelled by many global leaders as the best alternative to fiat which is vulnerable to inflation. One such global crypto leader is Carl Runefelt, alias, The Moon, who has invested in more than 350 crypto startups.

Carl says, “fiat is the worst form of money as it is vulnerable to inflation and Bitcoin is the best form of money as it is safe and corruption-free.” According to him, Bitcoin represents a massive transformation for the global economy that has been mired with the challenges of fiat including inflation and recession. He believes in the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies and is the co-founder of Kasta, which is blockchain technology facilitating digital payments. The platform pushes towards a transition from fiat to cryptocurrency by making crypto transactions smooth and simple.

Let’s find out how Kasta is helping cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide by making crypto transactions smooth and secure.

Understanding Kasta

People can face multiple challenges with fiat transactions such as bank delays and higher fees. On the other hand, cryptocurrency is based on a decentralized system that is free from the influence of any central authority such as a bank or government. However, individuals trading cryptocurrency sometimes face delays or have to pay higher fees in cross-border transactions.

Kasta aims at making cryptocurrency transactions smooth and quick. Carl says, “we are in a transitionary period going from a fiat-based economy to a crypto-based economy. Kasta will play a big role in this transition by becoming the new Venmo but working on a global scale.” According to him, the platform provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to start trading cryptocurrency.

Kasta is pushing to steer the global economy towards cryptocurrency adoption. It conveniently simplifies crypto transactions and there are zero extra charges involved for enhanced convenience of individuals. Carl believes "Kasta is playing a big role in transitioning from fiat currency to digital currency. It looks to attract a wider variety of users by opening the platform to global payments by opening it to a wide variety of financial transaction possibilities. Kasta focuses on international payments, making them convenient and instantaneous, optimized for specific currencies, and offers skewed payments accordingly.”

Cryptocurrency Challenges

Cryptocurrency has withstood the test of time and is getting widespread recognition. However, there still lie multiple challenges in cryptocurrency such as higher volatility. Cryptocurrency is highly volatile, and its value can fluctuate anytime, therefore, determining crypto gains beforehand is difficult.

Kasta intends to facilitate the transition to a crypto-based economy by making cross-border transactions easy and smooth. According to Carl, also known as The Moon on YouTube, Kasta is building safety around cryptocurrency by making the complicated process of crypto transactions quick and easy. The platform effectively reduces crypto transaction fees and minimizes time.  

Is Kasta Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency transactions can be challenging for beginners due to the involvement of different addresses, networks, and wallets. On the other hand, the required time and transaction fees through different exchanges can be problematic for anyone. However, Kasta aims at enhancing the comfort of individuals by making crypto transactions easy. Carl says, “Kasta is looking to attract a wider variety of users by opening the platform to cross-border payments by opening its platform to a wide range of financial transaction possibilities.”

Kasta promises to solve all concerns linked to cryptocurrency transactions by utilizing cutting-edge features to improve the user's experience. Kasta allows individuals to transmit, receive, and store cryptocurrencies immediately through their phone numbers, email addresses, and QR codes. It has an easy swap engine through which individuals can choose between currencies they want to receive payments.

Final Thoughts

Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin has gained widespread recognition, thanks to its positive adoption and the support of the Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). However, the global financial system still relies largely on fiat and the mass adoption of cryptocurrency revolves around its accessibility that Kasta is building. Kasta offers an excellent opportunity for individuals to enter the cryptocurrency world with quick cross-border transactions at lower fees and enhanced safety.

Shafaquat Ali
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