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What Causes Hair Loss in the First Place?

It's important to understand what causes alopecia before attempting to prevent it. The fundamental reason for alopecia is unknown, although it could be caused by a variety of factors, including: Alopecia can be caused by illnesses such as Folliculitis, Tinea Captiis (a fungal infection), secondary syphilis, and Demodex folliculorum, a small mite that feeds on crucial hair nutrients and causes thinning.

Drugs - Several medications have been linked to temporary or permanent hair loss by medical researchers. Hair loss has been linked to medications for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Alopecia is also commonly caused by drugs that disrupt the body's hormonal equilibrium. Steroids, hormone replacement treatment, and acne medicines are examples of pharmaceuticals that impact the body's hormonal balance.

Pregnancy - During pregnancy, the amount of oestrogen in the blood increases. The hair thickens as a result of the rise in oestrogen. Following delivery, the amount of circulating oestrogen returns to normal, resulting in hair loss. Hair usually regrows on its own and no treatment is required.

Genetics - Genetics has been connected to male pattern baldness. 

Hair loss can be caused by traumatic events such as childbirth, major surgery, poisoning, and extreme stress. Telogen effluvium is the medical term for this disorder. Another type of trauma is the compulsive pulling and bending of hairs, which causes Trichotillomania, a type of hair loss.

To treat certain types of malignancies, radiotherapy is used on the head. This type of radiation has the potential to induce baldness and irreversible hair loss.

Aging - As the body's natural ability to replace itself diminishes with age, alopecia or hair thinning is frequent.

What Is the Best Way to Prevent Hair Loss?

Alopecia can be avoided in a variety of ways. As previously stated, it is critical to research the aforementioned causes of alopecia and utilise them as a guide to avoid alopecia.

When it comes to illnesses that can cause alopecia, it's important to see your doctor as soon as you notice signs and symptoms. If you treat the infections as soon as possible, you'll have a lower likelihood of growing bald as a result of the diseases.

It's also crucial to be aware of the prescriptions prescribed for diabetes, hypertension, and other ailments. Stick to medications that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Although it is hard to stop natural balding, you may protect your hair from harm that could cause it to fall out. Avoid hairstyles that cause alopecia by stressing the hair line.

It's also crucial to be aware of the shampoos, relaxers, bleachers, and other hair treatments you use to avoid alopecia. Use hair products that are designed to help you regrow your hair.


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