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sintia magana

Scalp micro-pigmentation (or SMP for Short), is a non-surgical cosmetic tattoo that gives the illusion of a close buzz cut hairstyle on bald head or adds density to a thinning hairline. The procedure can also be used to conceal scars from trauma or a previous hair transplant surgery.

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Scalp Micropigmentation can be used to treat many different forms of hair loss. This flexibility of use gives long term sufferers of conditions such as alopecia the opportunity to take back the hairline that they have lost. Confidence is a key contributor to the well being of an individual and for those who feel the loss of their hair, SMP is a great solution.


Scalp MicroPigmentation is a procedure that is gaining exposure on a national and international level. It is a form of a tattoo but very different in its execution and also the final results. It entails the use of very specialized needle and ink to create the look of hair follicle on the scalp, creating a natural buzzed cut look.

The main benefit of the procedure is to give the illusion of hair follicle replication without having to go under the knife for an expensive, invasive surgery.While some refer to this as a “hair tattoo,” it is much more advanced, permanent, non-invasive, affordable alternative than surgery.


Originally developed as a treatment for men, scalp micropigmentation is now used to treat thousands of women worldwide who are experiencing some kind of ongoing hair loss.

Women lose hair for a variety of reasons. Often it’s a hormonal imbalance which can manifest itself as a long term problem, although there are many shorter term causes too. A recent pregnancy is a common cause, referred to as postpartum hair loss, or hair loss can be traced back to a reaction to certain medications.


Skin or scar camouflage is tattooing of the skin with different colors of flesh tone pigments. It’s purpose is to disguise a scar or skin area that is missing pigment or color.

It is a specialized area of permanent cosmetics that falls under the category of Medical or Paramedical Tattooing. This process is also called Corrective Pigment Camouflage (CPC), Corrective Camouflage, Skin Re-Pigmentation, Scar Camouflage, Skin Camouflage, Camouflage Tattooing, and Skin Color Tattooing.

sintia magana
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