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3 Things You Don't Know About Jaw Clenching

Cardinal Cosmetics Inc
3 Things You Don't Know About Jaw Clenching

Jaw clenching is very distressing. One often has no idea it is happening and one wakes up with a painful headache or jaw ache. Worse still, one has to spend lots of money and time at dentists. If one has no Insurance, that's a lot more jaw clenching. When you complete this article you will move from a jaw-clenching layman to an informed person.


Why Jaw Clenching?


Jaw Clenching has a variety of causes. Everything causes it from genetics to drug use. Everyone's jaw clenches. It is a natural response to stress or i8mpending danger. When we confront an opponent or hard situation, our body releases hormones. Hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones help with fight, flight, or freezing. Our muscles tense to achieve any of these states. The muscle groups (Masseter and Temporalis) which control the jaw are also tense. These muscles help stabilize the jaw and prevent it from swinging around in case of an attack.


Which 20% of people have bad jaw clenching?


About 20% of the people have Jaw clenching often. This happens at a rate that is bad for teeth and jaw health. This is often caused by sleep disorders like apnea, stress, drug use, and genetics.


Some people are born with the tendency to jaw clench. Their jaw clenches more than others in their base state. Other factors like stress could then increase the rate at which they clench their jaws


Drugs like caffeine, and tobacco cause the body to be in hyperdrive. They can worsen jaw clenching. That cup of coffee and cigarette stick is to blame for your jaws. Other drugs like SSRIs can worsen jaw clenching.


Stress takes the blame for all human problems and it is not exempt this time. Stress releases the hormones we discussed earlier. As a result, the individual is always tense. Jaw clenching is also used as a pacifying behavior together with touching. Anxiety is one of the biggest stressors around.


When you sleep, your body ensures you breathe. Sometimes, the airways get blocked and so your body causes your jaw to move until air finds its way into your lungs. The jaw needs to move for this maneuver and thus it clenches. This happens a lot in people with sleep apnea. It could also happen in people with chronic rhinitis and asthma.


How to cure Jaw Clenching


The first step is seeking out treatment. You could start by searching "jaw treatment near me" online and get started. We recommend you choose a medical beauty spa with a good reputation. Treatment involves using a relaxnat like botox to relax and ease the strain on your muscles. Effectively dwaling with stress will also help.


Stress is often a trigger for jaw clenching and this can also affect your skin and cause sagging and a depletion in collagen production. You could also search for inmode forma near me for a more holistic treatment for your face and jaw.


For those whose jaw clenching is not caused by stress, massage therapy works. A massage of the masseter and temporalis muscles (muscle at the temples and on the jaws) works wonders. If the jaw massage fails to solve the problem, see a specialist (A dentist). 

Cardinal Cosmetics Inc
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