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How to carry out a preliminary interview

How to carry out a preliminary interview

An online survey or phone/video chat pre-screening interview are both options.

Make sure to take thorough notes on the candidate's competencies throughout any phone or video chat interviews so that you can give them to the hiring manager if the candidate moves on to the next round. Take note of these qualities as well. Pre-screening interviews conducted over the phone or video chat can be a wonderful method to evaluate applicants' personalities, attitudes, and temperaments.

If a survey is conducted online using a tool like SurveyMonkey or Type form, be sure to include standardized questions that are actually pertinent to how well new recruits perform. To get a greater completion rate, we advise using the fewest number of questions possible.

Pre-Screening Interview Questions

Use the greatest interview questions available once you've decided whether to do your pre-screening interview over the phone or online.

The questions you ask should elicit details pertinent to a candidate's success in the workplace, but they shouldn't be so in-depth as to drag out the interview process. Pre-screening interviews must strike a balance between speed and detail because they are conducted for a sizable applicant pool.

You can utilize the sample pre-screening interview questions listed below in your pre-interview, but be sure to include some that are particular to your business and the position.

  • Why are you a perfect fit for our role given your present and previous work experience?
  • What has been the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome in your present or past positions?
  •  How did you get through this obstacle?
  •  What happened as a result?
  • What are your professional development objectives? 
  • How will obtaining this position help you achieve your professional growth objectives?
  • What characteristics would your ideal manager have? 
  • Have you ever worked for a manager who was either exactly like this or fit it?
  • How do you usually organise your workload and assign tasks a priority?
  • What qualities should a workplace culture have in order for you to do your best and enjoy your time there?
  •  Which firm has the most supportive culture toward you and your work?
  • Ever had to coordinate several deadlines that were scheduled for the same day or week? 
  • [[What was your method?
  • Have there ever been instances in which you missed a deadline
  • What took place? 
  • What would you change if you had the chance?
  • What aspect of your current position was the most frustrating?
  •  Have you ever tried to lessen the annoyance of this aspect of your job?
  • What about your profession makes it enjoyable and inspiring?
  • What are the duties you typically have during a work week? 
  • What modifications have been made to these duties throughout time?
  • What can your employer—current or former—do to keep you in your position?
  • What pay range do you anticipate for your upcoming position?
  • What professional achievements will enable you to perform well in this position?
  • What professional struggles helped you get ready for the difficulties you would experience in this position?
  • Which of your work samples best indicates your suitability for the position?
  • Do you currently have any interviews scheduled with other businesses?
  • If hired, when can you begin?

Conclusion: Pre-Screening Interview Issues

An essential step in the hiring process is the pre-screening interview. It guarantees that you make the most of the time spent by your hiring managers and recruiters.

After the pre-interview, you should get your hiring managers ready with questions that will help them better grasp the candidates' skills, like these competency-based interview questions.

Make sure to use an application tracking system like Blackstone Global Group to handle the scheduling of pre-screening interviews as well as the entire hiring process. Tools are available to proactively seek and nurture candidates and move them through the recruiting funnel on Lever's all-in-one recruiting Agency / candidate nurturing platform. A demo appointment can be made here.

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