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What are the potential benefits and risks associated with nmn Human trails?

What are the potential benefits and risks associated with nmn Human trails?

What are the potential benefits and risks associated with nmn Human trails?

NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) is now one of the most studied and widely used anti-aging medicines.

NMN is a naturally occurring chemical in the human body. NMN is a NAD+ precursor. NAD+ is a crucial molecule for every cell in the human body.

All the cells in your body need NAD and so require NMN, its precursor, for proper operation. NAD regulates a variety of vital cellular activities, hence promoting cellular health.

The first NMN human trial was published in 2016, where healthy elderly individuals were given NMN supplements for four weeks. The study found that NMN supplementation increased the levels of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a molecule involved in cellular energy metabolism, in the blood. These findings suggested that NMN supplementation could improve cellular energy metabolism and potentially slow down the aging process.

Potential benefits of NMN

Actively continuing NMN research encompasses both rodent and human experiments. Studies conducted thus far have suggested a variety of NMN advantages, such as:

Boost metabolism:- Early study indicates that NAD precursors may aid in weight loss, mitigate the effects of high-fat meals, and boost energy. A small study examined the effect of NMN on women with prediabetes and found that their muscles were better able to handle sugar.

Lowering Obesity:- Increasing NMN levels boost the metabolic system, which improves the body's capacity to convert food into energy and can be used to reduce the risk of Obesity. However, this should occur in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.

Enhance muscles endurance:- Glucose and fatty acids fuel our bones and muscles. NAD+ helps metabolize them. Without it, muscular endurance and speed decrease. NMN increased aerobic capacity in a recent amateur runner trial. Researchers hypothesize that this results from increased oxygen consumption in the skeletal muscle.

Improving cognitive function:- NMN supplementation enhanced cognition and memory in Alzheimer's disease models, possibly because NAD+ improves several brain processes.

Improving symptoms of severe disease:- Increased NAD levels are also being studied for their effects on high blood pressure, liver function, and diabetes. Also Reduces the risk of heart disease.

Risks of NMN Supplements

Some NAD-boosting supplements have been observed to cause nausea, diarrhea, flushing, stomach pain, and indigestion when used in large quantities. At doses up to 1,200 mg, however, participants in studies utilizing NMN supplements reported no notable adverse effects.

Professor David Sinclair of Harvard University stated on the Joe Rogan podcast that he takes up to one gram of NMN daily with occasional stomach distress to show for it. Still, he is speaking from his own experience.

Regarding clinical studies, human trails in Japan revealed no adverse effects at doses up to 500 mg, while an endurance study found no adverse effects at doses up to 1200 mg. In one of the most recent clinical trials, NMN supplements were delivered in dosages of 300, 600, and 900 mg, with no symptoms of toxicity at any level. Despite ongoing research, NMN supplements have no substantial safety concerns. "Human trails with NAD boosters are ongoing, and there has been no harm, not even a hint of it," explains Dr. Sinclair.

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