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IVF Specialist in Nashik – Dr. Nalini Bagul

Savi jain
IVF Specialist in Nashik – Dr. Nalini Bagul

What kinds of fertility treatments are there?

Today, due to advances in technology, there are numerous options for assisting people with various reproductive concerns. The best options for you will be determined by your specific circumstances and the cause of your infertility.

Sometimes only one partner requires treatment, and other times both partners will combine various kinds of therapies.

Hormone and ovulation-supporting medications are commonly used in fertility treatments, sometimes in conjunction with minor surgical operations. The term "assisted reproductive technology" (ART) applies to a variety of techniques that can help with conception. ART refers to techniques that assist in egg fertilization and implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine lining.

Two of the most common fertility treatments are:

One of the two most common fertility procedures is intrauterine insemination (IUI), in which healthy sperm is collected and placed straight into your uterus while you're ovulating.

• IVF (in vitro fertilisation)

• Embryos are produced in a laboratory by fertilizing eggs with sperm extracted from your ovaries. An IVF specialist will then insert the embryos into your uterus.

Tests for men

Male fertility requires that the testicles produce an adequate quantity of healthy sperm and that the sperm is efficiently ejaculated into the vagina and directed to the egg. Male infertility tests examine whether any of these processes are impaired.

You may be subjected to a general physical evaluation that includes a genital examination. One illustration of a specific fertility test is sperm analysis. Your doctor may require one or more sperm samples. In general, semen is obtained by ejaculating it into a clean container while stopping a sexual act. A laboratory examines your sperm sample. In certain situations, testing for sperm in urine is an option.

• Hormone testing. A blood test could be performed to determine your testosterone and other male hormone amounts.

• Genetic testing. Genetic testing can be used to identify if a genetic problem is causing infertility.

• A testicular biopsy. A testicular biopsy may be performed in some instances to detect defects that are preventing conception or to obtain sperm for assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF.

• Visualization. Under certain conditions, imaging studies such as a brain MRI, transrectal or scrotal ultrasound, or a vas deferens test (cacography) may be performed.

• Various specialized exams. Other sperm quality tests, such as examining a sample of sperm for DNA abnormalities, may be done in exceptional cases.

Tests for women

The fertility of women is dependent on their ovaries generating healthy embryos. An egg must be able to travel through the reproductive system and into the fallopian tubes in order to be fertilized. The fertilized egg must reach the uterine membrane in order to implant. The goal of female infertility tests is to see if any of these processes are damaged.

A routine gynecological examination may be included as part of your standard physical examination. One form of fertility test is ovulation testing. You can assess your hormone levels with a blood test to see if you're ovulating.

• Hysterosalpingography is a type of hysterosalpingography. The hysterosalpingography (his-tur-o-sal-ping-GOG-ruh-fee) procedure evaluates the health of your fallopian tubes and uterus and looks for any blockages or other problems. Your uterus is injected with X-ray contrast material, and an X-ray is obtained to determine whether the cavity is normal and to look for any fluid leakage from your fallopian tubes.

• Ovarian reserve testing. This testing is used to identify the number of eggs available for ovulation. Hormone testing is usually the first stage in this technique early in the menstrual cycle.

• Further hormone monitoring further hormone testing is used to determine the levels of ovulatory and pituitary hormones, which control reproductive processes.

• Ultrasound of the pelvis checks for ovarian or uterine disorders. A sonohysterogram, also known as saline infusion ultrasonography, can sometimes reveal uterine structures that are concealed on a regular ultrasound.

Depending on your situation, rarely your testing may include:

• Hysteroscopic examination. Based on your symptoms, your doctor may recommend a hysteroscopy to look for uterine disease. During the procedure, your doctor will insert a small, illuminated instrument through your cervix into your uterus to look for any possible anomalies.

• Laparoscopic surgery. Your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus are inspected in this minimally invasive process by inserting thin viewing equipment through a small incision beneath your navel. A laparoscopy can reveal endometriosis, scarring, blockages or abnormalities in the fallopian tubes, as well as problems with the ovaries and uterine.

Infertility Resources

You can use determination to educate yourself and locate help. This group provides activism, support, and study. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine. This website contains information for both patients and medical experts.

Dr. Nalini Bagul is a Director of Nashik Fertility Center having renowned & experienced consultant practicing Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Fertility Specialist & Laparoscopist since last 20 years in Nashik.

Savi jain
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