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What are the risks involved in keloid surgery?

Dr sajja
What are the risks involved in keloid surgery?

Keloids are thick, raised scars that occur due to abnormal growth of collagen. They form at the site of an injury or a wound, and although they are not harmful, they can be unsightly and cause discomfort. Keloid surgery is one of the treatment options available to remove keloids. However, like any surgical procedure, it comes with its own set of risks. In this article, we will discuss the risks involved in keloid surgery, as well as ways to minimize them.

What are Keloids?

Keloids are scars that are characterized by their raised, thick appearance. They can occur anywhere on the body and are often the result of an injury or surgery. Keloids form when the body produces an excessive amount of collagen in response to a wound, resulting in the scar tissue being raised above the skin surface.

What is Keloid Surgery?

Keloid surgery is a medical procedure that involves the removal of keloids. The surgery can be performed in several ways, including:

Excision: The keloid is cut out with a scalpel.

Cryotherapy: The keloid is frozen with liquid nitrogen and then removed.

Laser surgery: The keloid is removed using a laser.

The type of surgery used will depend on the size and location of the keloid.

Risks Involved in Keloid Surgery

Like any surgical procedure, keloid surgery comes with its own set of risks. Here are some of the risks involved in keloid surgery:

  • Recurrence of Keloids

One of the most significant risks of keloid surgery is that the keloid may return. In fact, there is a higher chance of keloid recurrence in people who have had multiple keloids or a history of keloids.

  • Infection

Infection is a risk associated with any surgical procedure. Keloid surgery can cause an infection at the site of the surgery, which can result in pain, redness, and swelling.

  • Bleeding

Keloid surgery can cause bleeding, which can result in a hematoma (a collection of blood) at the site of the surgery. Hematomas can cause pain, swelling, and bruising.

  • Pain

Keloid surgery can be painful, especially during the recovery period. Pain can be managed with pain medication, but it is still a risk associated with the procedure.

  • Scarring

Although keloid surgery is performed to remove scars, it can also cause scarring. The size and severity of the scar will depend on the size and location of the keloid, as well as the surgical technique used.

  • Changes in Skin Sensation

Keloid surgery can cause changes in skin sensation, such as numbness or tingling, around the site of the surgery. These changes are usually temporary but can be permanent in some cases.

  • Anesthesia Complications

Keloid surgery requires anesthesia, which can cause complications. Complications can range from minor, such as nausea, to more severe, such as allergic reactions.

How to Minimize the Risks of Keloid Surgery

Although keloid surgery comes with its own set of risks, there are ways to minimize the risks. Here are some ways to minimize the risks of keloid surgery:

  • Choose a skilled and experienced surgeon: It is important to choose a surgeon who has experience in performing keloid surgery. This can minimize the risk of complications and improve the chances of a successful surgery.

  • Follow pre-surgery instructions: Before keloid surgery, your surgeon may provide instructions to follow, such as avoiding certain medications or fasting for a specific period. Following these instructions can reduce the risk of complications.

  • Proper wound care: After the surgery, it is important to take proper care of the wound. This includes keeping the area clean, changing dressings as recommended, and avoiding activities that can put strain on the wound.

  • Follow post-surgery instructions: Your surgeon will provide post-surgery instructions, such as taking medications or avoiding certain activities. Following these instructions can reduce the risk of complications.


Keloid surgery is a treatment option for keloids, but it comes with its own set of risks. It is important to be aware of these risks and take steps to minimize them. Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon, following pre- and post-surgery instructions, and taking proper wound care can help minimize the risks of keloid surgery.

For more information about keloid related queries, do contact Dr Sajjas clinic.

Dr. Prakash Sajja MBBS., M.D(D.V.L.), the best dermatologist in Tirupati. He provides you with the best treatments for all problems related to your skin and hair.

Do call 9440830455 or Fill out our Appointment form to get in touch!

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