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Home Temporary Remedies Of Tn While You Wait For The Medications To Take Action

Home Temporary Remedies Of Tn While You Wait For The Medications To Take Action

Medication or surgery is frequently used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. By harming the nerve that causes the pain, stereotactic body radiation treatment can treat TN pain in a non-invasive and secure manner.

While SBRT can readily be repeated to get a more thorough therapy, it can take a few weeks for the pain to be effectively relieved and symptoms to return. You can attempt home treatment for trigeminal neuralgia to try and alleviate trigeminal neuralgia pain by utilizing heat, cold, or pressure while you wait for medication to fully take action.

Put Pressure on the Hurt Spot

While many persons with trigeminal neuralgia discover that a light touch, frequently as light as a soft breeze passing over their skin, can exacerbate symptoms, they also discover that applying pressure to the area can help alleviate signs and symptoms. Pressing on the affected area with your entire hand can be a good treatment for TN. To see results, you might need to exert some pressure.

Apply Either Cold Or Heat To The Sore Spot

Applying heat to the affected area is a common way for sufferers with trigeminal neuralgia to reduce their discomfort. By applying a hot compress, such as a hot water bottle, to the sore area, you can achieve this locally. For this, heat a beanbag or a damp washcloth in the microwave.

Another option is to take a hot bath or shower. Sit in a warm sauna if one is available, a soothing treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. As soon as the affected area starts to feel numb, continue to apply the cold for around 30 seconds. For certain trigeminal neuralgia patients, alternately applying hot and cold compresses is more effective.

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