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Comparing PHP 8 Features with PHP 7

Damini Katre
Comparing PHP 8 Features with PHP 7


PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages used for web development. It has evolved over the years, and with the release of PHP 8, significant improvements and new features have been introduced. In this article, we will compare PHP 8 with its predecessor PHP 7, exploring the enhancements and benefits that PHP 8 brings to the table.

Table of Contents

What is PHP?

  • A brief introduction to PHP as a server-side scripting language.

The Evolution of PHP 7

  • Overview of the major features introduced in PHP 7.

Introduction to PHP 8

  • A glimpse of the new version and its objectives.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Compiler

  • Explanation of how the JIT compiler boosts performance in PHP 8.

Union Types

  • Understanding the new ability to declare multiple types for variables.

Named Arguments

  • How named arguments improve code readability and flexibility.

Nullsafe Operator

  • How this feature simplifies null value handling.


  • An introduction to attributes and their usage.

Match Expression

  • Comparison between the new match expression and the traditional switch statement.

Constructor Property Promotion

  • How constructor property promotion reduces boilerplate code.

Throw Expression

  • Exploring the concise way to throw exceptions in PHP 8.

Improved Type System

  • Updates to the type system for better type safety.

Consistent Error Handling

  • How PHP 8 enhances error reporting and handling.

Performance Improvements

  • Benchmarking PHP 8 against PHP 7 for performance gains.

Compatibility Considerations

  • Addressing potential issues when migrating from PHP 7 to PHP 8.

What is PHP?

PHP is a popular open-source, server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. It is embedded in HTML and executed on the server, generating dynamic web pages. PHP has a simple syntax and is widely supported by various web servers, operating systems, and platforms.

The Evolution of PHP 7

With the release of PHP 7 in 2015, the language underwent significant improvements in terms of performance and memory usage. The introduction of the Zend Engine 3 provided the basis for these enhancements, resulting in a faster and more efficient PHP.

Introduction to PHP 8

PHP 8, released in 2020, builds upon the foundations of PHP 7 and introduces various new features and improvements that further enhance the language.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Compiler

One of the most significant additions in PHP 8 is the JIT compiler. The JIT compiler translates PHP code into machine code at runtime, improving execution speed significantly for certain types of applications.

Union Types

PHP 8 allows developers to specify multiple types for a variable using union types. This flexibility makes code more concise and self-explanatory.

Named Arguments

Named arguments enable developers to pass arguments to functions based on parameter names, rather than their positions. This feature enhances the readability of function calls, especially when dealing with functions with numerous parameters.

Nullsafe Operator

The nullsafe operator (??) simplifies the process of working with null values. It allows developers to chain methods even if one of the methods in the chain returns null.


Attributes provide a standardized way to add metadata to classes, methods, and properties in PHP 8. They offer more flexibility and better organization compared to docblocks.

Match Expression

The match expression is an improved version of the traditional switch statement. It offers a more concise syntax and better support for complex conditions.

Constructor Property Promotion

PHP 8 introduces constructor property promotion, reducing the need for manual property assignments in constructors.

Throw Expression

In PHP 8, throwing exceptions can be achieved more compactly with the throw expression.

Improved Type System

PHP 8 further refines the type system, adding more accurate type declarations and improving type safety.

Consistent Error Handling

PHP 8 ensures a more consistent and reliable error handling experience, making debugging easier.

Performance Improvements

Benchmarks show that PHP 8 offers significant performance improvements over PHP 7, making applications faster and more responsive.

Compatibility Considerations

While PHP 8 brings exciting new features, developers need to consider potential compatibility issues when migrating from PHP 7.


In conclusion, PHP 8 is a substantial upgrade from PHP 7, introducing various features that improve performance, readability, and overall developer experience. The JIT compiler, union types, named arguments, nullsafe operator, and other enhancements make PHP 8 a compelling choice for modern web development projects.

If you want to learn more about PHP features then visit here.

Damini Katre
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