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Sedation Dentistry: What You Need To Know

Mountain View Smiles
Sedation Dentistry: What You Need To Know

More and more people are turning to sedation dentistry to help ease anxiety and discomfort during dental procedures. If you’re someone who fears going to the dentist or has sensitivities that make procedures difficult to tolerate, sedation dentistry may be an excellent option for you. Here we’ll explore some of the most common questions about sedation dentistry.

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses medication to help patients relax and feel more comfortable during dental work. There are different levels of sedation, from mild to moderate to deep. With mild sedation, you’ll feel relaxed but still awake and able to respond. Moderate sedation causes drowsiness where you may intermittently doze off but can still respond to touch or commands. Deep sedation is closest to general anesthesia, where you are in a sleep state and unlikely to wake up even if stimulated. The level used depends on the procedure being performed and your needs and preferences.

What types of sedation are used in dentistry?

There are several main types of dental sedation:

  • Oral sedation involves taking medication by mouth, usually in pill form. The medication will make you feel relaxed, sleepy, and less inhibited.
  • Nitrous oxide, also called laughing gas, is a gas you breathe through a mask. It produces sensations of relaxation and euphoria.
  • IV sedation involves medication being administered through a vein. This leads to generally deeper sedation but also faster recovery.
  • General anesthesia provides the deepest level of sedation. You are fully unconscious under general anesthesia.

Your dentist in Carstairs will recommend the optimal type of sedation based on your needs.

What procedures can be done with sedation?

Virtually any dental procedure can be performed using sedation. Some of the most common procedures include:

  • Dental cleanings and deep cleanings
  • Tooth extractions
  • Root canals
  • Crowns, bridges, dentures, and implants
  • Filling cavities or other repairs
  • Periodontal treatments

Sedation allows complex procedures to be performed efficiently and comfortably. It’s also extremely helpful for phobic patients who need dental work but have high anxiety visiting the dentist.

How safe is sedation dentistry?

When properly administered by an experienced dentist, dental sedation is extremely safe. Your dentist will use the minimum dose needed to reach the desired level of sedation. They will also closely monitor you throughout the procedure to make adjustments if needed.

Modern sedatives used in dentistry have an outstanding safety profile. It’s also common to administer oxygen and monitor heart rate and blood pressure during IV sedation for maximum safety. Using sedation reduces stress on the body compared to enduring highly anxiety-provoking procedures.

It’s important to follow your Didsbury dentist’s pre-sedation instructions, such as not eating for a specified period before the procedure. This helps ensure you respond to sedation in a predictable manner. Having a responsible adult accompany you and drive you home after sedation is another key safety practice.

Will my dental insurance cover sedation?

Coverage for sedation dentistry depends on your individual policy. Many dental insurance plans provide at least partial coverage for sedation, especially for extensive procedures like wisdom tooth removal or implant placement. Plans may cover oral, IV sedation and nitrous oxide, but general anesthesia is less commonly covered.

Check with your dental office and insurance provider to learn about your benefits. Out-of-pocket costs vary based on the type of sedation used. Some dentists may offer payment plans to make sedation affordable if insurance coverage is limited.

Does sedation dentistry hurt?

With proper sedation, you should experience little to no pain during dental procedures. Sensations of discomfort are dramatically reduced due to the relaxing effects of sedatives. Most patients have no memory of the procedure afterward.

Your dentist will make sure the sedation dosage is sufficient for pain management before beginning treatment. IV sedation also allows the dentist to administer numbing medication for localized pain control as needed throughout the procedure. With both sedation and local anesthetics, your procedure can be made as comfortable as possible.

Is recovery difficult after sedation dentistry?

Recovery from dental sedation is generally quick and straight forward. Patients given oral or nitrous oxide sedation can usually leave the dental office soon after the procedure is complete, as long as they have someone to accompany them. After IV sedation, your dentist will keep you at the office until the sedative medication has worn off enough for discharge.

The remainder of the day after sedation you should take it easy and plan to relax at home. Refrain from driving or operating heavy machinery. Most people feel back to normal the next day. Follow all of your dentist’s post-procedure instructions for eating, drinking, medication, and activity. Stay hydrated and be sure to get plenty of rest.

Is sedation dentistry right for me?

Sedation dentistry near you can benefit any patients with:

  • Dental phobia or high anxiety
  • Sensory processing sensitivities that make procedures difficult to tolerate
  • Extensive dental treatment needs requiring longer appointments
  • Complex procedures like implants that require deeper sedation

During your consultation, your Didsbury or Carstairs dentist will conduct a full evaluation to determine if dental sedation is a good fit for your situation. They can explain the options in more detail so you can make an informed decision.

With sedation dentistry, countless patients who once avoided or dreaded dental treatments are now able to get the dental care they need with minimal discomfort or memories of the procedure. It’s very effective at creating a more positive, stress-free experience in the dentist’s chair.

Address:- 208 10th Ave Unit 2, Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0, Canada

Mountain View Smiles
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