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Best Way To Bottle Feed a Baby


Best Way To Bottle Feed a Baby

Bottle feeding is an increasingly popular choice of feeding for young parents these days. Bottle-feeding newborns helps working mothers a lot since other members of the family can easily feed the baby while the mother is at work. This also makes it easier to track the baby’s intake and feeding schedule.

While the process appears quite simple, there is a learning curve when it comes to bottle-feeding newborns. For some babies drinking milk from a bottle comes naturally while some create a fuss. The process becomes much easier once you understand the smaller aspects of it like selecting the right bottle and nipple, recognising your baby’s hunger cues, and finding the right position to feed the baby.

Parents also often worry about how to introduce bottle feeding to their baby and more importantly when is the right time to start bottle feeding a newborn. Here is everything you need to know about the best way to bottle-feed a baby.

Here's Everything You Need to Know About Bottle Feeding a Newborn

Half the battle is won during the preparatory stage itself. Once you understand the nitty gritty, the process of bottle-feeding newborns becomes much easier.

Reading Your Baby's Hunger Cues

Feeding your baby only when they are hungry helps them build a positive relationship with food. How to know the baby is hungry can be quite a challenge for young parents. Most parents don’t realise that crying is a late hunger cue. 

Post-Bottle Feeding Care

Once you are done bottle feeding the baby, you need to take care of certain things like burping them and cleaning them, as well as taking care of the feeding equipment and the leftover milk.

Burping Techniques

After feeding, burping a newborn is very important whether they're breastfed or formula-fed. This helps release any swallowed air during the feeding. To know how to burp a baby you need to follow one simple step. Gently pat their back until they release a burp. There are various burping techniques and positions that parents can use for burping a newborn.

1) Chest-to-Chest Burping

In the chest-to-chest burping position, the parent sits upright, holding the baby against their chest with the baby's chin on their shoulder. Pat the baby's back with one hand to help them burp, and use a burp cloth if needed for any spit-up.

2) Knee Position Burping

In the knee position for burping, place the baby in a sitting position on your knees. If you use your right hand to pat the baby's back, the baby should face left. Support the baby's chest with your non-dominant hand, using your palm, and cradle their chin between your thumb and pointer finger, making sure not to touch their neck. Slightly tilt the baby forward and gently pat their back until they burp.

3) Lap Position Burping

For the lap position, lay the baby face down on your lap, with their tummy on one leg and their head on the other. Ensure their head is tilted slightly higher than their chest, facing one side. Pat their back gently until they burp. The baby can be positioned in either direction as long as your legs support their stomach and head.

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